National Laboratory for X-ray Micro Computed Tomography
Unlocking the Structures of Materials with X-rays and High-performance Computing
The National Laboratory for X-ray Micro Computed Tomography (CTLab) is a world leading Micro-CT imaging, reconstruction and visualisation facility. At CTLab we can probe, analyse and reconstruct the 3D structure of materials, with resolutions down to several hundred nanometres.
Our CT instruments function by collecting thousands of projection images from different viewing angles and reconstructing these into detailed 3D structure maps. Materials that can be studied in this way include, but are not limited to: rocks, soil, minerals, foams, composites and biological samples like insects, bone and other tissues, even living samples like leaves, plants and coral.
In addition to providing virtual 3D objects CTLab have two high-end 3D printers that can bring virtual objects back to material reality, ready for presentation, teaching, testing and further prototyping.
Official lab upgrade opening
The $5M CTLab upgrade was recently opened. It will help with research into carbon dioxide underground storage.
Drishti Visualisation Clinics
Clinics can be held Monday: 1:30pm to 4:30pm
Contact levi.beeching@anu.edu.au for details and bookings.
Drishti rendering PCs are available every day for usage during office hours.
CTLab: National Laboratory for X-ray Micro Computed Tomography is proudly hosted by the Department of Applied Mathematics in the Research School of Physics.
Jointly CTLab and the Centre for Advanced Microscopy (CAM) form the ANU Advanced Imaging Precinct (AIP), an Microscopy Australia facility node
Updated: 14 September 2024/ Responsible Officer: Director, RSPE/ Page Contact: Webmaster, RSPE